Aesthetic Dentistry covers a process in which general dentistry and basic procedures are applied together to provide a healthy smile.
Aesthetic Dentistry covers a process in which general dentistry and basic procedures are applied together to provide a healthy smile. Dental Aesthetic treatment services include porcelain laminates, metal-free porcelain veneers or bridges, tooth whitening methods, onlay fillings, zirconium bridges or implant porcelains.
Teeth Bleaching
Teeth bleaching, one of the simplest and most well-known cosmetic procedure, is the most effective method for stained teeth.
Teeth can be bleached in the dentist's office, or your dentist can recommend a kit that can be used at home which includes a mouth guard tailored for your mouth. Both options use a form of hydrogen peroxide to clean stains and polish the teeth.
Porcelain Coatings
Porcelain coatings are nail-thick, tooth-coloured shells that are adhered to your natural teeth. They are coloruless and close to transparent and therefore give a natural appearance by the shape, size, colour and length of the original tooth. Porcelain coatings are basic solutions for problems such as discoloured, worn or bent teeth.
Bonding is used to repair fractures and cracks or to change shape and colour, especially for the front teeth. First, the colour of the composite material is matched with the colour of the original tooth. Then the tooth is slightly filed and a gel is applied to ensure the bonding material adheres. After the composite material is placed, it is seated onto the tooth. And, it is cured with intense light. It is then polished for a natural look. Bonding is effective in small areas because larger areas are susceptible to breakage.
Inlay-Onlay Fillings or White Composite Fillings
Dark metal amalgam fillings must be replaced as they wear out over time. They can also cause the tooth to crack and split. Since the tooth-coloured fillings are very compatible with your natural teeth, they are almost not noticeable. In addition, they are stronger and longer lasting than silver fillings.
Aesthetic dentistry is the correction of aesthetic appearance, speech disorders and lost functions most appropriately and aestheticly for your face with various applications on teeth and gums.
Porcelain laminate treatment is the restoration that can be applied without requiring any shave from the dental tissue. Strengthening the physical properties of the porcelain enables it to be stronger. The very good colour of the laminates provides excellent results aesthetically.